1. Policy Statement
Built Environment Design Institute Ltd. and Building Designers Association of Queensland Inc. are committed to maintaining sustainable practices within their operation, to promoting sustainable practices in the design of built environments and to equipping practitioners to advance the design of sustainable built environments in Queensland and throughout Australia.
2. Interpretation
BDAQ refers to Building Designers’ Association of Queensland Inc., the peak industry body representing licensed building designers in Queensland.
BEDI refers to Built Environment Design Institute Ltd., a company incorporated by BDAQ to provide research, training and information services to support the design of sustainable built environments in Australia.
Built Environment refers to the buildings and infrastructure placed within the natural environment.
Ecologically Efficient refers to an item or process (in this case a building) that has a minimum carbon footprint including but not limited to being energy efficient, water and waste efficient.
Environment refers to the surroundings in which humans and organisations exist.
Sustainable Building is a building that is ecologically efficient, has low ongoing maintenance requirements, is designed to use sustainable materials efficiently during construction, is easily accessible for all, is economically responsible and contributes positively to the community.
The partnership refers to BDAQ and BEDI working together to advance the policy identified in 1 above.
3. Scope
This policy will shape the operation of the partnership as well as BDAQ and BEDI. All executive, staff, volunteers and members will be made aware of the policy and will be guided in their activities by to contents of the policy.
4. Principles
4.1 The partnership will incorporate sustainable management and office practices to minimise greenhouse gas emissions generated through all activities.
4.2 Electronic communications will be used where practical to reduce the volume of paper hardcopy produced and energy used in distribution.
4.3 Consideration will be given to sustainable meeting and travel options.
4.4 BEDI and BDAQ events will be used to advance the sustainability goals through targeted training, provision of quality information and promotion of a sustainable built environment.
4.5 Social, economic and environmental goals will be regarded as interdependent and will be considered in vision statements and in the development of goals and operational processes.
5. Elements
5.1 Operations
5.1.1 The BDAQ/BEDI office will use sustainable practices in regard to recycling and waste minimisation, lighting and appliances, air-conditioning practices and water use.
5.1.2 Teleconferencing will be used where practical in preference to face to face meetings to reduce the environmental impact of travel.
5.1.3 Meeting and event dates will be planned to ensure that representatives attending more than one activity are travelling once for multiple meetings and/or events.
5.1.4 Procurement policies will give consideration to sustainable principles including life cycle impacts, transport, packaging issues, recycling and efficient resource use.
5.2 Training and Education
5.2.1 The partnership will develop and deliver training and education materials which advance the policy of promoting sustainable practices in the design of built environments and to equipping practitioners to advance to uptake of sustainable building design.
5.2.2 The partnership will work towards the inclusion of quality training on sustainable building design in the teaching of future practitioners.
5.2.3 The partnership will include topics on sustainable building design office practices in professional development programs.
5.3 Activities and Events
5.3.1 Consideration will be given to sustainable credentials in the selection of venues for activities and events.
5.3.2 Consideration will be given to sustainability in selection of catering menus, use of materials and equipment.
5.3.3 On-line or email registration and EFT payments will be encouraged for all events and activities managed by the partnership.
5.3.4 Sustainable building design and sustainable work practices will be promoted at all activities and events.
5.4 Discussion and Reporting
The ongoing operation of this policy will be reported to and discussed at each BDAQ Management Committee meeting and each BEDI Board of Directors meeting. The partnership Sustainability Committee will also remain fully informed about and have input into the progress of the program.
6. Review Process
This commitment will be reviewed every two years. The review will include input from the Sustainability Committee and consideration by the BDAQ Management Committee and BEDI Board of Directors.
7. More Information
This policy is managed by the BDAQ Executive Director and all enquiries should be directed through the BDAQ office on phone 07 3889 9119 or email admin@bdaq.com.au.
8. Authorisation
This commitment was approved by the BDAQ Management Committee and BEDI Board of Directors.
Date: 11th February 2011
Authorised by: Greg Pershouse
Title: President, BDAQ Inc. and Chairman, BEDI Ltd.